Celebrate Black in National Parks Week Aug 22 - 27!

August 22nd kicks off #BlackInNationalParksWeek, an event week created by Nicole Jackson (@blackinnpsweek) to amplify and celebrate everyday Black people visiting U.S. national parks!

(reposted via @blackinnpsweek Instagram) "This year's theme is "EXPLORE MORE!" If you are seeking, planning, or celebrating an adventure (past, present, or future), this is the week for you! If you've done fun outdoor activities (hiking, photography, birding, camping, etc.), this week is for you! If you've sought healing and joy, this week is also for you!"

Head over to Instagram to get live updates on the week's festivities, but as of today, this is what's in store for the week:

Monday (8/22)
#WeOutHere #BlackInNationalParks
Introduce yourself, share where you’ve been, and build community.

Tuesday (8/23)
#TravelLove #TipTuesday
What modes of transportation get you to national parks? Share tips on how you can enhance your experiences.

Wednesday (8/24)
Share photos of your national park visits! Include photos of landscapes, wildlife, activities, and you.

Thursday (8/25) — NPS 106th Birthday
Reflect on and celebrate your past park experiences. How far have you come? What have you learned?

Friday (8/26)
How are park visits improving your health and expanding your joy?

Saturday (8/27)
#AdventureContinues #FirstTimeNotLast
What’s your next challenge or adventure?

What national parks will you be highlighting this year?  If you're like me and haven't yet checked off any of our national parks, which are on your bucket list?  


  1. Peace. I never knew about this!!! Awesome


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